Introduction of choral song "Close Your Eyes of 38 "
Free sheet music

Japanese page is here

 This page will introduce choral song "Close Your Eyes of 38" Free sheet music. from Kyoto Japan

In Japan, covid-19 made it impossible to hold spring or summer concerts and competitions in 2020. This is a song that encouraging for junior high school and senior high school students from all over the world who are trying to work hard toward the summer Competition of 2020. 38 (19 students) part can be arranged and sung appropriately. The printed sheet music is available if you need, we will send them for free.

> You can also download the score from the page below. There is mp.3 only for accompaniment.

> I would like to heal the musicians who are having a frustrating spring by this project as much as I can. I also hope that many people will play and sing this song to encourage young musicians in the world. (High School Music Teacher Hiroaki Se 23.May. 2020)


日本ではcovid-19によって2020年の春から夏のコンサートやコンテストが出来なくなりました。 2020年の夏に向けて頑張ろうとしている世界中の音楽系部活の中学3年生、高校3年生を応援する曲です。38(19人)の部分は適宜変更して歌ってもらって差し支えありません。印刷用楽譜が必要であれば無料でお届けします。 楽譜は下のページからダウンロードできます。伴奏のみmp.3もあります。 もどかしい春をお過ごしの音楽系の皆様へ、少しでも癒しになればと思います。また、多くの人が演奏したり歌ったりして、若い音楽家たちを応援してくれることを希望します。(瀬 浩明2020年5月23日)


Close Your Eyes of 38


There was great wall I have never faced before, at a loss in front of it
while we were not allowed to meet face to face Spring has passed away
We have worked together with compassion, we have overcome long night
Now we look back long way we have come, was like the dark and lonely road
Even the world is covered by the darkest storm,we still are waiting for the clear sky
Surely we believe the day will come again, thinking of the splendid summer day
Close your eyes of 38 and listen to the melody hidden in the heart deep inside of you
close your eyes of 38, we can play the melody you are the one note of it.


There was an invisible valley that our path was blocked by
We have to be still like frozen the door has been closed
Our hearts were filled with sorrow tried to breaking through
Now we look back long way we have come, was like the dark and lonely road
Even the world is covered by the darkest storm,we still are waiting for the clear sky
Surely we believe the day will come again, thinking of the splendid summer day
Close your eyes of 38 and listen to the melody hidden in the heart deep inside of you
close your eyes of 38, we can play the melody you are the one note of it.







Youtube Chanel:

Sheet Music:

To a Youtube animation Don't yield toCovid-19 !(English version)→

To a Youtube animation Don't yield toCovid-19 !(Japanese version)→

To a Youtube piano karaoke animation Don't yield toCovid-19 !→

To a Youtube brass quintet song→

To a Youtube wind music arrangement→

To a Youtube 3 part choral song→

To a Youtube clarinet sextet song→

Youtube sax quartet song→

To a Youtube quartet song for various musical instrument players→

Sheet music (Japanese Lyrics)PDF

Sheet Music (English Lyrics)PDF←English version of lyrics (attention).)



3 part choral song.pdf

Brass quintet arrangement (Mr. Matsushima arranges.) sheet music..pdf

Clarinet sextet arrangement(Mr. Matsushima arranges.) sheet music..pdf.pdf

Sax quartette.pdf

quartet song for various musical instrument players.pdf

Wind music arrangement sheet music.pdf

Wind music arrangement parts

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